Why is Simulating Water Useful?
Simulating the flow of fluids is very important because fluids such as water play a large role in everyones'
For example in order to predict the risk of flooding in an area one has to have the ability to simulate
water in order to have an idea of where it would flow. Predicting flooding is very important because it
allows housing developers to avoid areas that are at high risk of getting flooded. Another important use is
predicting erosion. Water
plays a major role in erosion and to accurately predict erosion it is useful to have the ability to simulate
the process of water picking up material and moving it downstream. Erosion modelling is very important
because it shapes landscapes. For example the grand canyon (shown below) was created by the Colorado river
eroding the ground.

(Wikipdeia [4])
Water driven erosion also plays a role in more human scale areas such as rivers. There are many homes that
are on the banks of rivers, and the rivers erode their banks which can destroy houses or other property.
Therefore models that can predict the flow of rivers and erosion caused by them are immensely useful in this
The shallow water equations are also used to model tsunamis. Especially in costal Alaska tsunamis
pose a significant threat to life and property. This means that it is important to be model tsunamis and
damage possible. The Alaska Earthquake Center models the possible inundation due to tsunamis and one
inundation map for Valdez Alaska is shown below.

(Alaska Earthquake Center [3])
Equations of hydrodynamics based on the shallow water equations (often in multilayer formulation) are often
used to model in weather prediction and climate modeling. Climate modeling is a well developed field of
science. It is important because many people depend on weather forecasting. For example a farmer may need to
know what the weather will be in the growing season to determine what plants to sow.