Aerodynamic Forces on  Soccer Ball



Drag Coefficient (CD) and Drag


 (FD - air drag [N]; ρ - air density [kg/m^3]; V - wind velocity [m/s]; A - projected frontal area of the ball [m^2])

The aerodynamic drag coefficient is a non-dimensional parameter that is used to test the aerodynamic abilities of a ball. It helps to determine the effect that airflow has on a ball. Cd can be then plotted versus Reynolds number and the values compared with the values from testing a different ball.

Reynolds number: (r - radius of the ball [m]; 
μ - dynamic viscosity of the air [kg/m*s]


Drag is the air resistance to the motion of the ball as it moves through the air. Drag force is directed along and opposed the flight direction. Drag depends on the shape and size of the ball. The smoother the ball the less air drag. As stitches are used to keep the soccer balls together the surface is never truly smooth.


W = m*g [N]    (m - mass of the ball in kg; g = 9.81 m/s^2)

Weight is a force that is always directed towards the center of the earth. For soccer ball weight is mostly dependent on the mass of the ball. As the ball is inflated with high pressure air, most of the mass comes from the outside of the ball. In flight, the ball rotates around its center of gravity which for a ball is the geometrical center.

Illustrative image showing the forces acting on a ball in flight from

Side Force Coefficient (Cs)

(Fs - side force [N]; ρ - air density [kg/m^3]; A - area [m^2]; v - wind speed [m/s])

The side force coefficient is also known as the lift coefficient is a perpendicular component of aerodynamic force to the flight direction. It is created by spinning the ball. The magnitude depends on the speed of rotation which can be varied by the way the player kicks the ball.

Spinning parameter (Sp)


(ω - rotational velocity [rad/s]; r - radius of the ball [m]; v - wind speed [m/s])

Spinning parameter is a coefficient that determines the balls ability to spin during the flight and on the ground. By increasing the spinning coefficient, the side force increases too.

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