Researchers Edward O'Reilly and Alexandra Olaya-Castro from the University of the College of London(UCL) wrote a paper describing prototype dimers present in many photosynthetic molecules, that make the vibrational energy transfer more efficient by utilizing non-classical fluctuations of collective pigment motions. Not only are these dimers exhibiting non-classical behavioral vibrations, they are exhibiting them at room temperature.
To further understand what behaviors these dimers are showing, one needs to understand what is meant by non-classicalicality. The authors state: "From the perspective of quantum optics, quantum behavior with no classical counterpart - that is, non-classicality - arises if the state of the system of interest cannot be expressed as a statistical mixture of coherent states defining a valid probibility measure." (O'Reilly, Castro 2). Quantum optics is the study of phenomena involving light and its interactions with matter at a sub-microscopic level using semi-classical physics and quantum physics. Therefore the researchers are saying that when photons cannot be described in terms of energy states using various probability measures, then the photons can only be described using non-classical physics.
Essentially these researchers stimulated the antennae (light sensitive portions) of light harvesting complexes to hope to observe non-classical probability distributions. They choose the complex LCHII due to its abundance and importance to photosynthesis. The researchers confirmed that "non-trivial" probability results indicating non-classicality were obtained and thermal fluctuations inducing transisitions from one energy (exciton-vibration) state to the next now have a large contribution to energy transport. One thesis that could be taken from this research article is that vibration assisted transport in light harvesting molecules takes advantage of quantum phenomena that has no classical physics reference.