The Physics in Cars
By: Nicholas Beeker
By: Nicholas Beeker
The Physics in Cars
In this site I will be going over some of the basic concepts of the modern automobile that make it run and what has changed over the years. The information is a very basic overview into how the various systems work and how the concepts in physics are related to them. Cars and trucks are very complicated pieces of machinery and every nut and bolt serves a purpose and that purpose can be figured out with physics. From holding an engine in place to transferring the energy from the fuel to forward motion.
The topics that are covered in this site include the ignition system, cooling system, drive-train, and safety features. These are some of the more common and physics'ally richer components within a car.
Ignition System

(Wikipedia Ignition)
Cooling System

(Howstuffworks Cooling)

(Wikipedia Drivetrain)
Safety Features

(Wikipedia Safety Features)
Hope you Enjoy!