Does it Work?
As is implied by the name, maglev trains do not have wheels or rails. Instead the have guideways (see image below). These guideways are lined with magnets which make the train float, and never touch the guideways.

Comparison of Wheel-Rail versus Guideways. Source: Author, derived from Lee(2006)
The basic concept of maglev trains work is really quite simple. The trains under body is lined with magnets with all the poles in the same direction. The guideway that the train rests in is lined with magnets as well. Except, the magnets on the guideway are facing the same was as the magnets on the train. As you know from playing with magnets, opposites attract and like poles repel. So the magnets on the train and the magnets on the guideway repel, which makes the train levitate.

In the guideway there is another set of magnets (image above). These magnets are what cause the train to move. They are lined in the same direction, but they all have an electronic switch attached to them so they can near instantaneously be switch to pull or push the train Which speed it up or slows it down depending on what you want.