U.E and Picking
[1] Physics' Foundation
[2] Strings as Springs
[3] Newton's
[4] K.E
and Hammering
[5] U.E. and Picking
Much like Tapping uses impulse to transfer of kinetic energy(Ke)
into the string, picking can change the
potential energy(Ue) available to the system. By stretching
the string away from the point of equilibrium
the value of the restoring
force increases, increasing the overall Ue of the strings.
Once released the
restoring force pulls the string into an vibrating motion,
converting Ue into Ke and sound. This, like the
process involved in tapping is slowed only by the viscosity
of the air.

Nathanael Reams
Created for a college level physics project
Class: PHYS 211, F05