types of channel connections for MHD generator are possible. They are
Segmented Faraday, linear Hall-type and disk type. Now let us see one
by one as follows
Segmented Faraday channel
the Faraday channel, the load current and the electric field are jy
and Ey components
form generalized Ohm's law.

electrode segmentation for insulation of the axial Hall field is
necessary. Because, continuous electrode walls, the Hall current
flows downstream in the plasma and returns through electrode walls.
As a result, there is a inclination in the current flow direction
which increases with Hall parameter β=μeB. There is
decrease in power density by 1/(1+β2). But this Faraday
power density is for uniform plasma case. So the Faraday channel is
kind of a constant voltage generator. Generally for seeded
(connected) combustion plasma, the conductivity mainly depend on the
temperature, i.e. the conductivity non-uniformity in thermal boundary
layers, no mater how long the segment is the electrode potential drop
occurs and so current is
uniform from anode to cathode. Though the Faraday generator model has
the advantage of high power density, on the other hand the large
number of DC power terminals with different voltages and currents
must be converted into AC for transmission. The number of electrodes
can be reduced to two-terminal DC output by linear Hall geometry and
disk-type channel.
Linear Hall channel
Hall channel the primary Faraday current in the uxB direction
shorted out by connecting opposite electrodes
wire, with metallic frame or by internally shorting through plasma.
The load current and electric field are jx and Ex
with local power density of Hall channel is given by equation bellow
with load factor K ≡Ex/(-uBβ).

β ≡ μeB»1 the Hall power density becomes like Faraday
case. That is with high electron mobility therefore low collision
frequency between electrons and ions. This shows the Hall effect that
the current is primarily due to the JxB force on the
electrons. For this reason, “the hall generator is adequate to the
inert gas-driven, closed-cycle MHD generator with non-equilibrium
plasma with elevated electron temperature in the range of 5000-8000 K
under temperature of an order of 1000k” words directly from
reference[1]. In this case argon or helium can be used. Since argon
has minimum electron temperature and helium because of its high mach
number flow (that is high motional induction field can be obtained).
Disk type
load current and electric field are jr and Er
with loads are connected between anode and cathode. The local power
density and loading factor is same as the above case except in radial
coordinates that is ur and Er. In the disc
generator plasma fluids flow between the center of a disc and a duct
wrapped around the edge. Here pair of circular Helmoholtz coil is
used above and bellow the disk. The Faraday current flow in a perfect
dead short around the periphery of the disc while the Hall current
flows between the ring of electrodes near the center and the ring
electrode near periphery. Thus giving more efficient and closer
magnetic field to the flowing fluids(it has simple parallel field