- I
In dynamics,
‘equilibrium’ means – no change in
motion. So, if a moving body is in equilibrium, it cannot have any
Either it is at rest or it moves at uniform velocity.
To understand ‘stability’
we can consider a ball at rest ( in equilibrium, obviously). We want to
know, how
stable its equilibrium is. Let us consider the ball in three different
situations as shown in the diagram.
In case-A,
the ball is kept on the top of an
inverted bowl. In case-B, the
ball is inside the bowl and in case-C,
the ball
is placed on a plane surface.
Three different
things are observed in these
- If we now
displace the ball slightly, in the case A, the ball displaces ifself
further. So, it is said to
be in unstable equilibrium.
- In case-B, the
ball, when displaced (slightly),
goes back to its previous position and so, this is the case of stable
- In case-C, the
ball, when displaced, neither can
goes back to the previous position, nor does it go away from that
location. So, we
call it to be in neutral
equilibrium .
Stability in
(static) atmosphere:
We may observe an
air parcel in the atmosphere. At a
certain position z = z0,it
is part of the atmosphere and its density is ρ0 . So, it’s
(the force due to gravity) per unit volume is ρ0g. This
air-parcel is now displaced to z = z1,
where the density of the surrounding is ρ1.
At this point, we should renew our knowledge about
buoyancy. Buoyancy is the
force that
is applied by a fluid, on a body that is immersed in it. This buoynat
force develops
due to the fluid-pressure on the body.
The fluid-pressure on the top(downward) of the body is always less than
that on
the lower-face (upward). The reason is simple, - the top side is always
at a
smaller depth than the bottom. Due to this difference in pressure, the
force acts in the upward direction, trying to counterbalance the force
The force of
buoyancy, on a body in a fluid, is
equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the body itself.
So, if the
parcel we are observing doesn’t mix with its surrounding, then the net
force F
on it, per unit volume, is:
F = (ρo – ρ1)g.
We define
stability S as,
S = (ρo- ρ1)/(zo – z1) when,(z – z1)-> 0
or, S
= -(dρ / dz)
Comparing with the previous examples
for explaining
stability, we can say that the parcel is :
- Stable if S > 0, or
Unstable if S
0, or negative.
- Neutral
if s = 0
better atmospheric-model:
Stability in a
polytropic atmosphere:
This model is
more realistic because it fits the atmospheric properties better.
Assumptions: the
process is adiabatic, which ensures that
the parcel under consideration does not exchange heat with its
It can be derived
that for a polytropic atmosphere :
ρo / ρ1 = (po – p1)1/n
where, n is some
index. Now, the stability factor S
can be shown to be depending on the
relative value of n as compared to γ, the ratio of two specific heat of
fluid (here, air). So,
- If
< γ Stable
as S > 0, or
- If
> γ Unstable
as S<0, or
- If n
= γ Neutral as
S = 0.

: Phys-645, Fall-2007, UAF
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