Types of Stirling Engines
there are several different kinds of Stirling engines they all have two
major things in common:
1.) The gases inside a Stirling engine
(whether they be normal air, or helium, or hydrogen, etc..) never leave
the engine.
2.) The Stirling engine uses an external heat source which
could be anything; solar, geothermal, fire,plant compost,
anything what-so-ever that can apply the necessary heat to the hot end
of the engine.
The two most common types of Stirling engines are the Displacer
Stirling engine and Two-Piston Stirling engine.
Stirling Engine:
The Displacer Stirling engine operates using a
piston and a displacer. The displacer is mounted so it doesn't
touch the walls of the cylinder so air can move around it into the
cool/hot ends and the power cylinder containing the piston. The
displacer moves the air from the hot end to the cold end and
back. When the air gets hot it expands, pushing out on the
piston. As the air cools is contracts and the piston is pulled in
and the cold air is pushed back into the hot end where it repeats the

Pictured to the right is a cross-section of a
Displacer Stirling engine and to the left is one that can run off of
just the heat from your hand.
pic from
pic from
Stirling Engine:

The Two-Piston Stirling Engine uses two
pistons to pump the gas from the hot end to the cold. First the
air expands in the hot end, pushing the hot end piston inward while the
cold end stays relatively in place. Next the cool piston draws in
air from the hot end allowing the hot piston to move outward. The
cool piston then compresses the gas as the cooling device remove heat
from the air. Lastly the air is pushed/drawn into the hot end where it
begins it's cycle all over again.

Pictured on the left is a cut-a-way view of a Two Piston Stirling
on the right is a 3D model
pic from http://www.keveney.com/Vstirling.html
pic from