(which most of the world calls football except the
U.S., Canada, Ireland, and Australia) is known as
much for its outbursts of violence as its showcase
event, the World Cup. Arguably the most popular
game on earth, its internal controlling body, the
Federation Internationale de Football Association
(FIFA), boasts more members than the UN (Goldblatt
2008). Bigger than baseball, American football,
and basketball combined, soccer is the most
watched sporting event in the world, even more
than the Olympics. In many parts of the world,
soccer is a ubiquitous, powerful presence. The
futures of several regimes, specifically in Latin
America, have been significantly influenced by a
soccer match. For example, rioting after a 1969
game between El Salvador and Honduras sparked a
five day war, known as the �Football War� between
the countries in which several people died and
hundreds were hospitalized. The sport also
aggravated tensions at the beginning of the
Yugoslavia Wars in the 1990s when a match between
Dinmo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade collapsed into
mass rioting in March 1990. Soccer has also
unified, empowered, and encouraged both
individuals and countries. Soccer, it would seem,
is not just a game, but a global event with wide
political, national, and economic influence.
Prehistory of

Soccer has
ancient origins. Indeed, for thousands of years,
almost every culture has enjoyed kicking a ball.
Early balls included human heads, cow bladders,
and stitched-up cloth. The Munich Ethnological
Museum exhibit in Germany includes a Chinese text
from approximately 50 B.C. that describes physical
education exercises called tsu chu,
which consist of kicking a leather ball filled
with feathers and hair into a small net�and,like
in soccer today, the use of hands was prohibited
(Goldblatt 2008). The Japanese had a similar game,
called kemari,
dating from about A.D. 300. Still played today, kemari is
less energetic than Chinese tsu chu and,
consequently, it was seen as more dignified and
ceremonious--it may have even been part of ancient
fertility rites or used to mark particularly
seasons of the year. Reminiscent of today�s hackey
sack game, kemari players
attempted to pass the ball to one another without
letting the ball touch the ground (Goldblatt
Because the
art of controlling the ball with the feet was
extremely difficult and required technique and
talent, the ancient Greeks and Romans used their
versions of soccer to sharpen the skills of
warriors for battle. The Greeks played episkyros (�game�)
while the Romans played Harpastum (�ball�),
which was played with a small ball on a
rectangular field with opposing teams. The object
was to get the ball over the other team�s boundary
lines, using trickery and hands if necessary. The
games were very popular and spectators tended to
be rather vocally involved in the proceedings.The
early Olympic games in Rome included Harpastum,
consisting of 27 men on each side who competed so
enthusiastically that once nearly two-thirds of
them had to be hospitalized after a fifty-minute
game (Dunning 1999).
preindustrialized England soccer was often a �mob�
game of village against village and lacking
written rules. It was played through the streets
across fields, hedges, fences, and streams where
almost anything was allowed. Nearly everyone
played soccer, including dignitaries and noblemen
such as Oliver Cromwell, Walter Scott, and several
kings. Despite its immense popularity, soccer was
viewed by some to be lower in status than more
�wealthy� endeavors, such as equestrian sports
(Murray 1996). It began to be routinely condemned
for its threat to the soul through its unruliness
and its threat to life and property through its
violence. King Edward I of England (1307-1327) was
so appalled at the noise and violence of the games
that he passed laws threatening imprisonment to
anyone caught playing soccer. Both King Henry IV
(1367-1413) and Henry VIII (1491-1547) banned
soccer, and Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
threatened to jail soccer players for a week
followed by church penance. Laws, however, could
not stop the games and, in 1681, soccer was
reinstated and soared in popularity (Glanville
Britain As
the Birthplace of Modern Soccer

While soccer
in its various forms was played for centuries
around the world, the main source of modern soccer
codes and rules lies in Britain. Around the
mid-eighteenth century, as Britain moved from an
agrarian to industrial society, soccer began to
change. Instead of playing in open fields of the
countryside, the game was adapted to play in the
narrow streets and on the hard surfaces of new
cities. As city infrastructure and improvements in
transportations (such as the steam engine) grew,
it became possible for teams to play one another
across the country. The expanding scope of the
game created a need for uniform rules and a
national governing body (Murray 1996).
The first
attempt to standardize the rules of soccer were
the Cambridge Rules, first drawn up at Cambridge
University in 1848. Representatives from
Cambridge, Eton Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, and
Shrewsbury schools attended, but the proposed
rules were not uniformly adopted (Murray 1996). It
was not until the Football Association (FA) was
formed on Oct 26th, 1863 in London, that the
different associations would agree on a set of
fundamental rules that would allow the varied
teams to play with each other (Glanville 1979).
During the
meetings, however, a representative from
Blackheath, withdrew his club over the removal of
two draft rules--the first allowed for the running
of the ball in hand and the second allowed for the
obstructing of such a run by �hacking� (kicking an
opponent in the shins), tripping, and holding.
Other English rugby orientated football clubs
followed his lead and did not join the FA, later
forming the Rugby Football Union in 1871. Die-hard
rugby teams wanted no part in a game that didn�t
allow shin kicking, tripping, and carrying the
ball (Dunning 1999). The eleven remaining clubs,
under the charge of Ebenezer Cobb Morley, ratified
the original thirteen rules of the game, and
modern soccer was born under the name �Association
Football� to distinguish it from the rugby style
of game. It is not a coincidence that as the
industrial revolution and concomitant
infrastructure quickly spread throughout Great
Britain, soccer as an organized sport was
established there before it was in most other
countries. The standardization of soccer was also
part of a larger national effort to recognize and
organize all sports in Great Britain, such as
mountaineering, track and field, swimming,
sailing, etc. (Murray 1996).
standardization evolved as the century continued.
Initially there were no descriptions of the ball
until eight years after the original FA meeting in
1863 when the size and weight of the ball finally
became official. Prior to that, the type of ball
was simply agreed upon by the two teams
playing--such as in the match between London and
Sheffield in 1866, the official first game where
the duration was set at one and a half hours. It
was also around this time that the term �soccer�
came into use as a British slang word. Oxford and
Cambridge students would use �association
football� to distinguish it from rugby. Some
attribute the term to Oxford student Charles Brown
who liked to shorten words such as �brekker� for
breakfast or �rugger� for rugby or �soccer� for
assoc, a shortened form of �association�
(Glanville 1979). While the term �soccer� is
clearly a British coinage, Americans were the
first to use the term in full effect to
distinguish it from football. The English rarely
used the term �soccer,� preferring instead to call
it football.
The rules of
the game are currently determined by the
International Football Association Board (IFAB),
which was formed in 1886 and consists of the
Scottish Football Association, the Football
Association of Wales, the Irish Football
Association, and FIFA, which currently has over
204 members in every part of the world. Each UK
association has one vote and FIFA has four,
creating a type of checks and balance of power
While IFAB creates the laws, FIFA is responsible
for organizing and governing major international
tournaments according to laws created by the IFAB
(FIFA.com). FIFA was formed in 1904 partly in
response to the Olympic movement and even today it
battles the IOC to manage soccer games during the
Olympics. When the Olympics were held in Los
Angeles in 1932, soccer was excluded due to the
United States� low interest and the constant
bickering over the status of amateur players
between FIFA and IOC. Due to this exclusion, FIFA
created a tournament independent from the Olympics
called the World Cup and held the first World Cup
in 1930 in Uruguay. Soccer would later be included
in every subsequent Olympics, except for the 1940
and 1944 Olympics which were cancelled due to the
political tensions of WWII."
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