As objects move through substances, such as liquids and gases, the molecules rearrange and distribute themselves to move around the object. The interface between the molecules and the object creates turbulent forces, which act on the object. The magnitudes of these forces are relatively related to the objects mass, shape, and the nature of the turbulent forces. Turbulent forces, most commonly associated with swimming, such as viscosity plays a critical role in understanding the physics of a body moving through water. Once we acknowledge that turbulent forces and inertia are related we can examine how swimmers and the body of water around them interact and produce a state of flow.  Reynolds number examines the state of flow.



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V is the mean fluid velocity (SI units: m/s)

L is a characteristic linear dimension, (traveled length of fluid, or hydraulic radius when dealing with river systems) (m)

μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa�s or N�s/m� or kg/m�s)

ν is the kinematic viscosity (ν = μ / ρ) (m�/s)

p is the density of the fluid (kg/m�)

Q is the volumetric flow rate (m�/s)

A is the pipe cross-sectional area (m�)