Basic Rules

Even though the cups begin in a pyramid, they do not always stay that way. Since there are holes in the pyramid by removing the cups, it gets more difficult to make shots. Because of this, a team must “re-rack” at a certain number of remaining cups in order to keep a shape so that their opponents can shoot. Each team gets 2 re-racks per game at any time.
The rebuttal rule takes place towards the end of the game. Once one team has discarded all of their opponents cups, the opposing team haven’t lost yet. Each player on the opposing team which has had their cups discarded gets to shoot until they miss. If they both miss and there are still cups remaining on their opponents’ side, they lose and begin to drink what’s left of their opponents cups.
Bounced Shots:
A player taking a shot has the option of tossing the ball or bouncing the ball into the opposing cups. If a player makes a bounced shot, the opposing team has to drink two cups (the one that is made and one from the pyramid). It is obvious that a regular (non-bounced) toss is only worth a single cup. However, The defending (non-throwing) team can defend cups against a bounced shot by blocking or swatting the ball once it hits the table. The defending team can only defend a shot once the ball has hit the table or has bounced off of anything else. If the defender where to block or swat away the ball before it touches anything, the player shooting is allowed to shoot again or the defender has to drink a cup from their own pyramid.