Weebly Information
If you are using weebly or another web-based site creator you need to get an archive of the site to upload. Don't just send me a link of the site. To get the site from weebly, go to settings and click on "Archive/Un-publish". There should be a button labled "Create Archive", which will send you a link with the website archive. If you are having trouble getting an archive from these sites email me at [email protected] .
How to upload your webfile
When the time comes to upload your site, check your email for an email from "[email protected]". This email should look like this:
Click on the link and you will be brought to this page:

There are three things you need to do here:
- Enter the title to your webpage. This title will be displayed on the link to your page, so make it appropriate.
- Enter the path to your main page. This will be the exact name of the folder you have sent me/the exact file name if the file is simply in the folder and not deeper in another folder. In this picture, it is simply david_newman/index.htm, but it could be something like "bobsturtles/pages/page1.html". Note the format, specifically:
- No leading slash
- Forward slashes
- NOTE: if you are using weebly this field probably will look somethign like "SOMESTRING/index.html" where SOMESTRING is the name of the folder when you unzip the archive from weebly. As an example: "12310aeb9324/index.hmtl"
- Choose your web archive. Currently, the two archive formats that are supporrted are zipfiles and tarballs. (If you don't know what a tarball is, don't worry.) If the archive is not one of these two formats, then 'the site will not deploy properly.
If you have any problems, email me at [email protected] . You can also email Professor Newman at [email protected]