Weebly Information

If you are using weebly or another web-based site creator you need to get an archive of the site to upload. Don't just send me a link of the site. To get the site from weebly, go to settings and click on "Archive/Un-publish". There should be a button labled "Create Archive", which will send you a link with the website archive. If you are having trouble getting an archive from these sites email me at [email protected] .

How to upload your webfile

When the time comes to upload your site, check your email for an email from "[email protected]". This email should look like this:

email message.

Click on the link and you will be brought to this page:

info php

There are three things you need to do here:

  1. Enter the title to your webpage. This title will be displayed on the link to your page, so make it appropriate.
  2. Enter the path to your main page. This will be the exact name of the folder you have sent me/the exact file name if the file is simply in the folder and not deeper in another folder. In this picture, it is simply david_newman/index.htm, but it could be something like "bobsturtles/pages/page1.html". Note the format, specifically:
  3. Choose your web archive. Currently, the two archive formats that are supporrted are zipfiles and tarballs. (If you don't know what a tarball is, don't worry.) If the archive is not one of these two formats, then 'the site will not deploy properly.

If you have any problems, email me at [email protected] . You can also email Professor Newman at [email protected]