Possible future
Nowadays car manufacturers are
trying to implement wankel engines into hybrid
cars as a range extender. They choose wankel
engine because of its compact size, high power
to weight ration and low vibrations. As a
generator it would be run at specified RPM,
where the engineers would be able to perfect the
air fuel ratio and lubrication, therefore making
the fuel consumption lower and also lowering the
emissions. Apex seal would be also solved,
because the RPM would be high enough to maintain
a good seal.
Audi came up with a prototype hybrid car which
used 250-cc wankel engine as a range extender.

Cambridge university in United
Kingdom won a design competition with their single
seated e-Go aeroplane, which is powered by a
wankel engine. Engine has 30 horsepower and the
plane can reach 200 km/h cruise speed.