Fission Reactors: Overview

Fission reactors are engineered to fit one of three categories:
power reactors, research reactors, and breeder reactors.
Power Reactors:
These reactors are used for the large amount of energy they produce.
This power can be converted into electricity and then used by the
public. Power reactors are also used on nuclear submarines to propel
them for long periods of time with little fuel.
Research Reactors:
These reactors are used to produce specific radioisotopes used in
the medical industry and other industries. Research reactors are
also used as a neutron source, which is needed in various fields of
Breeder Reactors:
These reactors are used to produce additional fissile material to be
used in other nuclear reactors. These reactors produce more fissile
material than they need to run, thus creating more fuel than they
use. They require an initial amount of fuel, and a supply of fertile
material (natural uranium, depleted uranium, or thorium). Breeder
reactors can use the waste material from other reactors to produce
more useable material for other reactors, thus making nuclear power
almost infinitely sustainable.
In general most nuclear reactors look something like the following
(an example of a pressurized water reactor):

The main idea is that the reactor core heats up the coolant which is
circulates through another working fluid which absorbs the heat from
the coolant and circulates it through a steam turbine to produce
A closer look at the core and it's components:

The core of a nuclear reactor consists of the several components:
the fuel, coolant, moderator, concrete shield, and control rods,
which are explained in more detail on the next page.
Another important aspect of nuclear reactors is what happens to used
fuel. Eventually the concentration of fission fragments in the fuel
reaches a point where the fuel rods need to be replaced with fresher
fuel rods. However, the used fuel rods will still be emitting
radiation and heat, so they cannot be disposed of easily. Usually,
the used fuel rods are immediately placed into a separate cooling
pool, where they will remain for years. After the used fuel has
cooled enough, it is either reprocessed or put into long-term
storage. [3]
Used fuel still contains a very large percentage of usable uranium,
which can be separated and used again. About 3% of the used fuel
will be high-level radioactive waste, which is buried deep
underground. In some instances it may be easier or cheaper just to
bury the used fuel outright, instead of trying to get the usable
uranium out to use again. Either way, the used fuel has to be dealt
with in a safe manor, as it is a highly dangerous material that
can't just be left lying around. [3]

Next: Fission Reactors: Components
Previous: The Fission Process
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