Heating and Refrigeration.

  • When designing a dovetail log cabin, especially in the arctic conditions of Alaska, it is important to consider the various aspects of transferring heat into the place and holding the heat as efficiently as possible. Heat transfer comes in three different forms, conduction, convection, and radiation.

    Convection - Heat transfer by motion of fluids or materials.
    Heat transfer through coupled vibrations and collisions between particles.
    - Heat transfer via electromagnetic waves.

  • It is common for rustic dovetailed log cabins to have a stone fireplace that heats the cabin with a cozy wood fire. The flames from the fire are producing heat through radiation by emitting electromagnetic waves which transfer energy from the fire to the skin of the person who is being warmed by the fire. As the wood fire continues to burn, the outside of the stone fireplace, or steel chimney will slowly start heating up. The heating of the fireplace comes as a result of many electrons vibrating back and forth and colliding with each other as a result of the added energy from heat on the inside of the chimney. The increased vibrations and collisions, then cause friction between particles as they bounce around. As the particles bounce around, and cause friction, the friction from the particles heats the fireplace and the heat is transferred through the fireplace towards the the outside of the fireplace through the coupled vibrations. The heat felt on the outside of the fireplace then is a result of conduction.

  • In order the hold the heat from the fire inside of the cabin, it is imperative that the cabin be properly insulated. Insulation as defined by The New Oxford American Dictionary is �The action of being insulated electrically or physically; the condition of being insulated by non-conductors, so as to prevent the passage of electricity, heat, or sound.� In other words, the insulation in houses is designed to act as a barrier from the warm air inside to the cold air outside by utilizing material that has a very low thermal conductivity, so that heat cannot pass through the material very quickly. Dovetailed log cabins are different from conventional cabins in that they are constructed with solid wooden beams with gaps between them that are filled with synthetic insulation (such as fiberglass insulation) or natural insulation such as mud or moss.

    The Physics Behind Rising Hot Air In addition to insulation the walls, it is important to also insulate the floor, and the roof. This is due to a phenomena that heat rises and cold air sinks. The reason that hot air rises, is because the hotter air has more energy, and that extra energy reduces the density of the air, and thus the weight of the air. Since the colder air is denser, it naturally falls towards the center of the earths gravitational field, and in doing so displaces the hotter air, which causes the hotter air rise. With that in mind, it is important to insulate the floor, so that no cold air seeps in from the ground outside. The roof is similarly important to insulate, because as the heat rises it will concentrate near the ceiling, and so insulation is needed to keep the hot air from escaping. The following pictures of the author's cabin shows the floor being insulated with fiberglass insulation as it is being constructed, the roof framer spacing the rafters at an even 16" O.C. for pre-cut fiberglass insulation to fit between, and the rafters on the roof before the roofing or insulation is added.

    Photo courtesy of the author.

  • As mentioned in the electricity section, incandescent light bulbs create a lot of energy loss due to heat. The heat that is a byproduct of the light bulb comes in the form of radiation in the same way that the fire heats the house. Since there is a significant amount of heat loss from the light-bulbs, the smart homeowner will capitalize on that detail, and turn the stove down when there are lots of lights running.

    It is important to utilize some sort of refrigeration in a log cabin in order to keep groceries cold or frozen. The historical way to keep groceries cold over the hot summer months, was to harvest a lot of ice in the wintertime, and haul it to an ice-house, where it was stored with lots of sawdust to keep the ice and groceries cold. Today, commercial refrigerators have become the norm. Refrigerators such as an Ideal gas refrigerator use work to transfer heat from a colder object to a hotter object. The way refrigerators work, is by compressing a gas in order to increase it's temperature and pressure by lowering the gas's volume by the ideal gas relation PV=nRT where P=pressure, V=volume, n=number of moles of gas, T=temperature (in Kelvins) and R is the ideal gas constant. Once the gas is compressed, the gas flows through a heat exchanger, where the pressure is decreased, which causes the gas to cool down. The gas is then flows through the refrigerator, and expels a proportion of it's cold air. The remaining warmer air is then compressed and heated, and ready to start the cycle again. There is a physical limit to the efficiency of a refrigerator though. The limit is that the coefficient of performance (K) must be smaller than or equal to the cold temperature divided by the hot temperature minus the cold temperature. The actual coefficient of performance is measured by the heat out divided by the work imputed. In other words, the coefficient of performance is what you get out divided by what you pay (Physics pg#547).