Along with normal
wheelies, there is another type of wheelstand in
Monster Truck Jam: the slap wheelie. A normal
wheelie starts from rest and the truck must
accelerate very rapidly in order to shift its
weight further back. The least acceleration is
needed when the center of mass is towards the
rear of the truck because it is proportional to
how far forward the mass is. Since the
acceleration is inversely proportional to
height, it is best to have the center of mass
higher up. A slap wheelie is different in that
it occurs after a jump. Right after the truck
lands, the front wheels hit the ground and
bounce back up into a wheelie. This means that
the driver must time perfectly when he hits the
gas pedal in order to use the torque of the
engine for a successful wheelstand. Most
of the trucks are equipped with a wheelie bar in
order to prevent them from rolling over