Engineering Marvels

- The
use of Alternating Current in the World Columbian Expo convinced
investor J.P. Morgan, a former supporter of Edison, to fund the
construction of Tesla's and Westinghouse's power plant at Niagara
Falls. Built in 1895, it could transmit power an astonishing 25 miles
away, using Alternating Current of course.
- Tesla eventually
established his own laboratory to experiment with a multitude of
physical phenomena. He would give tours of his lab to the public, light
lamps by electrifying the air or allowing electricity to flow through
his body, all in an effort to assuage the fear of AC power.
- In 1891 he created his most iconic invention, the Tesla coil, whos application is widely used in today's modern world.
- This year also marked the date of his US Citizenship.
 J. P. Morgan