Tsunamis Caused by Underwater Earthquakes

Earthquake intensities are measured by their magnitudes, whether
in land or sea floor. Underwater earthquakes may cause shallow
or no tsunamis at all if the magnitude is below 7.5 or they
could create the destructive tsunami that everybody fears. In
cases where the latter occurs, it could destroy properties,
infrastructures, and sadly--lives. The higher the
magnitude, the greater the damage, but it also depends on other
factors such as population density and location.

Two of the most remembered and tragic tsunamis caused by
underwater earthquakes are the 1946 Alaska Tsunami in Hawaii and
the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. For the former, the
7.4 magnitude underwater earthquake created a massive
tsunami through the Pacific and Hawaii, where the waves killed
159 people. The Indian Ocean tsunami caused by the 9.1 magnitude
earthquake was one of the deadliest and destructive ever
recorded: waves towered over 30 feet, over 108,100 people died,
more than 127,700 missing, and 426,800 were carried off and
displaced. Tsunamis are deadly, but they are caused by
disturbances on the sea floor such as volcanic activities and
underwater earthquakes.