Pressure and Volume

Pressure is created by the force of
gravity pulling down on matter that is above an
object. We experience this pressure every day in
the form of air pressure but don't think about it
as we are used to the force being constantly
applied to our bodies. We still notice its effects
however when our ears pop due to a change in
altitude (our internal pressure equalizing with
the surrounding environment) or when we go up into
the mountains the air becomes thinner (the
atmospheric pressure is decreased so the density
of the air is also decreased). These concepts of
pressure are very important in diving.
Because the mass of water is much higher than that
of air the change in pressure created by
descending in water is much higher than that of
moving through air. For every 10 m (about 33ft)
you descend through water it creates the same
force as the entire atmosphere does at sea level.
While this force does not compress the water a
noticeable amount, it does affect the volume and
density of air which is exposed to this force.