The Bears Are
Invading The Earth

While the weaker, surface dwelling bears have been
seeded to deceive and mislead humanity, a secret
subterranean species of bears organized into hive
entities has been spreading and preparing to invade
the Earth, as a part of their master plan to become
the supreme rulers of the earth. Bears have been
largely successful in their efforts to deceive
humanity, but I have seen through their lies and have
been studying the subterranean bear species in secret,
in order to learn their weaknesses and foil their
plans to invade the Earth.
Here is what I have discovered, by analyzing the
corpses of various subterranean bear subspecies, and
by intercepting and decoding messages from the bear
high command:
1: Bears believe they are the true
masters of the Earth
2: The subterranean armies which
have been bred to destroy humanity are composed of
four distinct sub-species
-Bear Shoggoths, the hive-queens of the bear world,
massive eldritch creatures who once ruled the surface
world, but were driven underground by the creation of
the sun.
-Ant bears, the worker creatures of the bear hives.
-Shield bears, specially bred creatures with thick,
broad metallic exoskeletons.
-Ooze bears, cesspit-dwelling creatures which inhabit
the bottom of the bear hierarchy.
3: These sub-species each perform a
distinct role in the great bear horde, and are each
possessed with unique and formidable strengths suited
to storming the surface world.
While the armies of bear kind are formidable, their
primary strength is the element of surprise. With the
correct organized opposition I believe that the bear
hordes can be defeated, and humanity saved.