Once the Yo-Yo
begins to travel away from the
hand, it begins uncoiling the
string and converting it�s
potentially energy into
kinetic energy, UKE.
As the potential energy
decreases, the kinetic energy
increases. Once the Yo-Yo
reaches the end of the string,
two things can happen. If a
tug is given on the string
causing an increase in tension
and friction on the Yo-Yo axle
then the Yo-Yo begins to role
its way back up the string
converting its kinetic energy
back to potential energy, KEU.
If no tug is given on the
string then is will continue
to spin until it slows to due
to a small amount of friction
from the string, KETH.
KE = � m v�
is the translational
kinetic energy
is the mass of the
is the velocity that
it moves up or down the