The Equipment
Cooking Sou Vide can be as
easy or as complicated as you want to make it. Pro
set ups often cost upwards of 500 dollars, but
recent innovations have allowed for the technology
to shrink down to a much smaller size, and become
a lot more affordable.
The device pictured below, the ANOVA Precision
Cooker transforms any heat durable water tight
container into a hot water bath that connects to
your phone and allows you to cook the perfect
stake at home for just $149.99. However for their
black Friday sale its available for just $99.99
Besides Hot water the other crucial element of
sou vide is as the name implies, a vacuum sealed
bag within which the meat is cooked. You could get
a home vacuum sealer, but using a Ziploc� brand
bag works just as well. Its important that its Ziploc�
because lesser quality bags that contain BPA could
allow the chemical to leach into the food while
Image Provided by ANOVA culinary