Basic Equations (The Math)
Consider a two-dimensional
fluid with a buoyancy frequency N, viscosity ν, and thermal
dissipation rate μ. We can write the vorticity equation as
equation (1):
Here Ψ is the streamfunction and σ = (-gΔρ/ρ) is the buoyancy
which is governed by
equation (2):
The motion is then separated into mean and fluctuating components
such that:
Now we can make some assumptions to simplify the math: 1. Use the
mean field approximation
which allows you to neglect terms where the wave interacts with
itself, 2. neglect viscous dissipation
since it is much smaller than thermal dissipation, 3. Changes in
the mean flow take place over long
time scales compared to the wave motion, 4. The Richardson number
is large:

5. the dissipation rate is small compared with the Doppler-shifted
wave frequency, and 6. The buoyancy frequency is unaffected by
the waves.
With these approximations and the assumption that the fluctuation
in the streamfunction has the
solution, ie waves, in
equation (3):
Equations (1) and
equation (4):
We also get a momentum flux,
We then can use
approximation to solve
equation (4)
and from that we can get a new
version of
equation (5),
equation (6):
This equation tells us something quite interesting about the
momentum flux. If we look at the exponent
we have an definite integral that goes from 0 to z. This shows us
that the flux is only dependent on
how the wave is damped below the height z while it is independent
of what goes on above it.
The term inside exponent is called the attenuation rate,
equation (7):
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Model Attenuation Rate