
Jupiter was known in aincient times
by many astronomers. The Romans Gave it its modern name.
Jupiters moons were Discovered by Galileo in 1610. Exploration of
Jupiter are limited to observations by passing NASA probes, such as
Voyager, and Telescopes on Earth. Jupiter's Atomosphereic structure is
not well understood. Why there are symetric bands of different
rotational directions (clockwise and counterclockwise) has not been
conclusivly established. The extream propencity twoards stable
Anticyclones rather that stable cyclones.
Fun Facts
Jupiter is named after
the Roman God jupiter.
Jupiter has more than twice the mass of all other planets combined in
the Solar system.
Jupiter is the third brightest object in our night sky. (after venus
and the moon)
Jupiter is made mostly of Hydrogen.
Jupiter's moons are colectively known as the Galilean moons.