August 6, 1945 the Ebnola Gay dropped the "Little Boy" atom bomb on
Hiroshima, Japan. Just three days later the "Fat Man" atom bomb
was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Both of the weapons of mass
destruction created havoc across Japan. Each bomb completely
leveled each of there respective cities.
The "Little Boy" created an explosive force of 12,000 tons of TNT and
created a heat wave as hot as 50 million degrees Fahrenheit in the
center of the fireball. It instantly killed anyone within a
half mile of the bomb. Anyone within a mile suffered from things
such as severe burns, blindness and death. Many people following
this eventually died from their exposure to radiation. Not only
did the atomic bomb affect the city it actually affected the atmosphere
surrounding the city. The intense explosion caused the raining
with large rain drops, intense hurricane winds, and many fires to break
out. The "Fat Man" had the same impact in Nagasaki, Japan but did
not create as much havoc due to the fact that Nagasaki is surrounded by
mountains. The immense power of the atomic bombs was tragic and
took many lives, hopefully we will not have to see these intense
weapons of destruction in use ever again. japan.htm