Growing Up
Albert was born in 1879 on March 14 to Hermann and Pauline Einstein. Hermann
ran an electrical technology business which was often on the verge of bankruptcy.
Hermann's parents were Abraham and Hindel. Albert's parents moved around Europe
several times while Albert was still living at home. He was born in Ulm, Germany.
Two years Albert became a big brother when his sister Maja (Maria) was born,
at this time his family was living at Munich. At the age of nine Albert entered
a school in Munich called
Luitpold. In school Albert got fairly good grades in his subject while he
excelled in mathematics. However, he hated the school because success was
based on memorization and obedience rather than how much a child knew. Then
when Albert went home he studied mathematics, physics, and philosophy all
on his own. Then later his teacher asked him to leave because Albert was causing
the other students to loose respect for the teacher. At fifteen Albert took
the teacher's advice and left mid term to be with his parents and sister in
Hermann and Pauline Einstein courtesy of
He renounced his German citizenship after enrolling in a cantonal school in Aarau, Switzerland. After he graduated from Aarau he entered the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, received his diploma and became a Swiss citizen. However, Albert had a difficult time holding down a full time job; he held many different part time jobs and it wasn't until he was offered a job with the Swiss Patent Office in Bern did he finally receive a regular salary.
The youngest picture of Albert courtesy of
Albert with his sister Maja courtesy of