Isidor Isaac Rabi
He won the 1944 Nobel Prize in Physics for his "resonance
method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei."
He was the
one to discover that protons have magnetic moments and that they
precess around an external magnetic field. His experiments (on nuclei)
revealed the jump between energy states of the proton when resonated
with radio frequency waves.
Bloch & Edward Purcell
Both men independently took Rabi's experiments to the next level
- condensed matter.
These men were awarded the 1952 Nobel Prize in
Physics for the "nuclear magnetic resonance in condensed
Lauterbur discovered that images could be produced from the magnetic
properties of the protons. This will now be called magnetic resonance
is a professor at the University of Illinois
He was the first to use a magnetic field gradient
to vary the resonant frequencies of spinning atoms. Although his
images were very difficult
to produce, he had a variety - glass tubes, mouse thoracic cavity,
and the first human body part - a finger!!
He discovered that sending pulsed signals through
a changing magnetic field would produce images very quickly. This
made it possible for
health professionals to actually be able to utilize MRI.
He was awarded the 1991 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for
his contributions to the development of the methodology of high
resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy."
All of these men contributed tremendously to the
design and implementation of MRI scanning machines in hospitals.
Now, MRI scans are another common hospital resource.
Before MRI scans, X-rays were popular. However,
X-rays use ionizing radiation that could be harmful to humans.
Now, MRI scans are used for a huge variety of injuries,
infections, or illnesses, such as:
multiple sclerosis, torn ligaments, tendonitis,
cysts, spinal injuries, strokes, and many others.
MRI scans can even be used to record brain activity
during certain events. Imagine the possibilities!!
MRI is a relatively new field of research and the
opportunities for its growth are endless.