Paintball Physics Explored
Physics is everywhere.

The physics behind
paintball covers a vast majority of physics topics:
*There is the general design of a paintball marker (ie.
how it mechanically operates and why it was designed to perform under
certain conditions)
*The pressure in a CO2 container which is used to fire the paintball
marker and why you have the container at a cold temperature before it's
*The design of paintballs
*The usage of paintballs
*The forces acting on a paintball
*The design of paintball gear (masks, vests, belts, pods, etc.)
*The way paintball is played (ie. bunkers, tactics, angles of fire,
*Many many more
This website will cover a few generalities of those main topics, with
those being the forces acting on a paintball, Newton's Second Law of
Motion and how it relates to paintball, as well as an experiment used
to calculate velocity.
Let's get started!
On to Forces Acting on
a Paintball
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