
A handstand is a very basic skill in
gymnastics. Almost all tricks require a variation of the
handstand either moving or stationary. To preform a handstand the
gymnasts body must be in proper position. A handstand requires
one to
keep their stomach, shoulders, and hips tight in a straight line.
of Gravity
preforming a handstand your center of gravity must be directly over
ones hands, otherwise they will fall. Also if a gymnasts back
arched he or she will fall because gravity will pull them over.
reason that handstands can be hard to preform is because it is
difficult to keep the center of gravity perpendicular to the ground.
Third Law
Newton's third law states that for every
force there is an equal and opposite force acting on it, so in the case
of the handstand, the force that one is exerting on the earth is the
exact force pushing back from the earth. So the handstand is
nothing more than a balancing act with the gymnast and the earth.
Home Somersault
Round Off A Giant