  The 10th of July 1856 in a village called Smiljan, in the region of Lika in Croatia was born Nikola Tesla. He attended the Polytechnic Institute and the University of Prague. Tesla�s first fields he had become interested in were mathematics and physics but he then found a fancy for electricity. He then took a job in Budapest at the Budapest Telephone Exchange. Only after a year of working in Budapest Tesla started working for the Continental Edison Company in France, but was then hired to move to New York City to work for Edison at his Edison Machine Works. After only a year again, Tesla claimed he could improve the motors and generators that the company was using. Edison then said, from the biography and autobiography, Tesla: Man Out of Time, by Margaret Cheney ��There�s fifty thousand dollars in it for you�if you can do it��. Tesla then completed the task and when he asked Edison for his payment Edison told him he was only joking about there being fifty thousand dollars in it for him if he did actually improve the company�s motors and generators. Instead Edison offered Tesla a pay raise, Tesla then dismissed the raise and then resigned.
    Tesla then created his own company later on in 1886, Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing, which worked by the company using systems created by Tesla and installing them. The electrical arc light systems and his dynamo electric machine commutators were the first patents Tesla received from the United States. Tesla then proposed to his company that they should invest in alternating current transmission systems and motors. His investors declined his proposal and shortly after fired him. He then took up the job as a ditch digger where he then pondered the worth of his education. He then started a new company with the attorney Charles Peck and the director of Western Union. The company was named, the Tesla Electric Company. Tesla then created his own company later on in 1886, Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing, which worked by the company using systems created by Tesla and installing them. The electrical arc light systems and his dynamo electric machine commutators were the first patents Tesla received from the United States. Tesla then proposed to his company that they should invest in alternating current transmission systems and motors. His investors declined his proposal and shortly after fired him. He then took up the job as a ditch digger where he then pondered the worth of his education. He then started a new company with the attorney Charles Peck and the director of Western Union. The company was named, the Tesla Electric Company.

    They then split the profits of Tesla�s patents. He was then given a laboratory to work on his other inventions. In May 1888 the United States patented a motor Tesla created based on the principle he claims to have gathered in 1882. Tesla later then started working for Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. He was hired as a consultant at the company�s Pittsburgh labs. In 1891 Tesla then patented the Tesla coil.July 30th, 1891 Tesla had become a citizen of the United States. Within the same year he managed to procure two new laboratories both in New York. At both laboratories he uses his wireless power transmission to show off the potential of his technology. Tesla began looking into energies that were not visible to the naked eye in 1894. This investigation led to the identification of X-Rays. Although his hypotheses were incorrect and led to some noted hazards it did not stop Tesla from continuing his experiments. Tesla also dabbled in transmission by radio waves; his theories go back as far as 1893. Tesla gave a display of a boat controlled by radio at Madison Square Garden.
    In Colorado Springs Tesla had built a experimental facility to test and experiment with electricity. His Tesla Coil he had set up at this site created sparks that stretched to over thirty feet long and could be seen up to ten miles away from the coil. He also performed tests that concluded that the planet Earth can be used as a conductor and could reach a resonance frequency just as a tuning fork would.
    Tesla died penniless and in debt in his hotel room which he resided in for the last decade of his life. His death was on January 7th 1943.