A Different Type of Impact
In an
inelastic colision, energy is lost to the deformation of one or
both objects involved in the
impact. In the case of a bullet most of that
high speed energy is transferred
into the tissue of the target, often
causeing severe trama and
With an arrow however, travelling at a much slower
speed and
tipped in some form of a
braodhead, the impact results in a deep slicing
on the target. The idea behind an
arrow wound is not that of brute force
like that of a bullet, but of the
finese of the slice of the broadhead.
Mechanical Broadheads

One of
the newest ideas in archery, with respect to broadheads,
is the mechanical broadhead. During
flight it remains closed producing
less drag on the arrow allowing for a
greater velocity, and then upon
imppact it opens and begins to spread
creating a much larger wound then
fixed bladed broadheads. Some archers
have grown to like this new
style, but some still prefer the more