This set of programs were origionaly
meant to be written in java to go with the whole web-based project
theme, but java is too slow, and too unfamiliar... so pick your OS and
download the thing.

My crowning achevement! The only thing missing is "shocks" to damped
the springs. But this at least demonstrates conservation of mechanical
energy. it won't stop shaking!
Download source code and executable: Windows
In reading the source code, know that this is the only function to be
concerned about understanding. The other functions are only init and
helper functions
void MoveSprites(SDL_Surface *screen, Uint32 background)
static int old =
0; <----
static int newx =
<---- new and old frames..
acceleration is based on an instant of a neighboring nodes, x/y
float force;
<--- scalar value of the sum of all the spring
forces for a node
float dx, dy,
<--- sin, cos and hypot
int l;
<--loop counter
int sumx = 0;
<---sum of y forces
int sumy = 0;
<----sum of x forces
int i, nupdates;
SDL_Rect area;
SDL_Rect *dstrect =
NULL; <-- ignore
nupdates = 0;
dstrect, 0); <-- ignore
/* Move the sprite, bounce
at the wall, and draw */
for ( i=0; i<numsprites;
++i ) {
for(l = 0; l<8 && nodes[i].neigbor[l] != NULL;l++) {
dx = nodes[i].neigbor[l]->x[old] - nodes[i].x[old];
dy = nodes[i].neigbor[l]->y[old] - nodes[i].y[old];
if((dx == 0.0f)&&(dy == 0.0f))
d = 0;
else if (dx == 0.0f) {
d = fabsf(dy);
else if (dy == 0.0f) {
d = fabsf(dx);
else {
d = sqrt(float(dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); //pythagorean distance
dx /= d;
dy /= d;
d -= nodes[i].ne[l]; //get distance relative to equalibrium
force = (200.0*d);
if ( force > 0 )
force -= 10;
// printf(
"positive\n" );
force += 10;
// printf(
"negative\n" );
sumx += dx*force; //cos*k*d
sumy += dy*force; //sin*k*d
nodes[i].vx += (sumx*time_elapsed) + right * 0.1;
nodes[i].vy += (sumy*time_elapsed) + down * 0.1;
nodes[i].x[newx] = nodes[i].x[old] + (nodes[i].vx*time_elapsed);
nodes[i].y[newx] = nodes[i].y[old] + (nodes[i].vy*time_elapsed);
if (nodes[i].x[newx] < sprite_w/2) {
nodes[i].x[newx] = sprite_w/2;
nodes[i].vx *= 0.0;
// nodes[i].vx = -nodes[i].vx;
if (nodes[i].x[newx] > (screen->w - sprite_w/2)) {
nodes[i].x[newx] = screen->w - sprite_w/2;
nodes[i].vx *= 0.0;
// nodes[i].vx = -nodes[i].vx;
if (nodes[i].y[newx] < sprite_w/2) {
nodes[i].y[newx] = sprite_w/2;
nodes[i].vy *= 0.0;
// nodes[i].vy = -nodes[i].vy;
if (nodes[i].y[newx] > (screen->h - sprite_w/2)) {
nodes[i].y[newx] = screen->h - sprite_w/2;
nodes[i].vy *= -0.0;
// nodes[i].vy = -nodes[i].vy;
sumx = 0;
sumy = 0;
for ( i=0; i<numsprites;
i+=2 ) {
for(l = 0; l<8 && nodes[i].neigbor[l] != NULL; l++) {
drawline(screen, (int)nodes[i].neigbor[l]->x[newx],
(int)nodes[i].neigbor[l]->y[newx], (int)nodes[i].x[newx],
for ( i=0; i<numsprites;
++i ) {
area.x = (int)nodes[i].x[newx] - sprite_w/2;
area.y = (int)nodes[i].y[newx] - sprite_w/2;
SDL_BlitSurface(sprite, NULL, screen, &area);
sprite_rects[nupdates++] = area;
i = old;
old = newx;
newx = i;
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0,
0, 0);
/* Update the screen! */
if ( (screen->flags &
} else {
SDL_UpdateRects(screen, nupdates, sprite_rects);