Personal Watercrafts or "jet skis" are basically
Personal Watercraft (PWC) are basically small inboard boats able to travel at
high speeds due to large amounts of power and very light weight. Alomst all
PWC's are under 600 lbs and most of todays PWC's have at least 90 hp.Not only
are PWC's some of the fastest water vehicles they are also some of the most
maneuverable water vehicles. This is because PWC's propultion is based on a
jet that also is it's turning mechanism. When the driver turns the handlebars
the jet (via cables) turns in the direction of the handlebars so the stern is
pushed in the opposite direction. This allows the driver to turn at a much tighter
angle than traditional boats with keels and rudders.The main drawback to this
maneuverability is the fact that if there is no thrust coming from the engine
the ability to turn is effictively zero meaning that anytime the driver presses
the kill switch (a large red button) they lose all ability to steer. This is
extremely dangerous whenever an inexperienced person may drive the PWC back
to dock or into shore. PWC's have no brakes and have no ablilty to stop other
than turning around. They have an extremely efficient ability to hydroplane
(when most of the PWC is above water) and it takes most PWC's a few hundred
feet to come to a stop after being at full throttle. This is because 600 lbs
+ a rider is traveling at a very high speed with only minimal friction to slow
them down (since PWC's are made to travel with very little friction).

As seen in the diagram the PWC will coast for quite a distance before comming
to a stop.
Home Turning