Roberto Carlos is a very
famous soccer player and many of the things that he does with the soccer
ball seem physically impossible. If you do not believe me about
the incerdible things that Roberto Carlos has done click on the link
below and you will be amazed.
Roberto Carlos Flick
(This can be viewed on
Quicktime Media Player.)
The shot above
is so amazing because it wraps around the defenders and then instantly
turns into the corner of the goal. This curvature is due to the
fact that there is a low-drag, high-turbulant airflow working against
the ball pushing it to the side due to the air resistance. To get
his desired curve Roberto Carlos had to kick the ball with enough force
to give it an initial velocity fast enough to get passed the defenders
before the ball slows down and it's smooth-airflow stage ends.
Then he also had to put enough side spin on the ball to give it a
rotating motion. Once past the defenders the ball's smooth-airflow
stage ends and the angular velocity put onto the ball comes into play
causing the ball to turn directions. Many people can make a soccer
ball curve some, but no one can do it as well as Roberto Carlos.
Another apect
in Roberto Carlos's game that is amazing is the fact that he can kick
the ball at such a fast velocity. In fact, he has been known to
kick the soccer ball as hard as ninety miles per hour. When
kicking this hard it is hard for the goalie to do anything about it.
Here is a clip showing how hard he can kick.
Carlos Again