The Big Guns!

Mark 7 16inch\50caliber
Projectile Weight:
- Armor Piercing 2,700 pounds
- Bombardment 2,240 pounds
Muzzle Velocity:
- Armor Piercing 2,300 feet/second
- Bombardment 2,635 feet/second
- Gun Mount Elevation = 45 degrees Armor Piercing 42,000 yards (26
- Bombardment 47,000 yards
Firing Cycle:
Ammo Carried:
Crew Per Turret-2 Officers & 170 Men
The Mark 7 16 inch/50 Caliber gun is the main weapon aboard
the Iowa class Battleships. The name 16 inch regards to the size of
the shell, 16 inches in diameter the 50 caliber means that the bore
is 50 times the size of the diameter, over 66 feet long.The gun could
fire two different shells, One an Armor piercing projectile, weighing
2,700 pounds with a range of 36,900 yards. The other projectile a bombardment
shell weighing 19,00 pounds that could travel 47,000 yards. The armor
piercing shell could penetrate through 16 inch face hardened armor or
16 feet of solid concrete. The shell is propelled by 3 silk bags of
black powder, ignited behind the projectile.
