1. Calaprice, Alice. The Expanded Quotable Einstein. Princeton University Press; Princeton, 2000.
2.Levinger, Elina. Albert Einstein. Simon & Schuster, Inc; New York, New York, 1949.
3. Goldsmith, Mackay, & Woudhuysen. Einstein the First Hundred Years. Pergamon Press; New York, 1980.
5. Infeld, Leopold. Albert Eistein: His Work and its Influence on Our World. Charles Scribner's Sons; New York, 1950.
Note to Reader:
I am enroled in the Univeristy of Alaska Fairbanks and this is a project for my physics class. I hope that after you go through this site that you will have learned something about Albert Einstein. I have a new appreciation of all physicists after completing this project. If you find a mistake on this web page please email me at [email protected] with a discription of what is wrong and I will do my best to correct it.