Support Beam

Trans-Alaska Pipeline at the Denali Fault on extended support beams (to allow for movement)
Earthquake magnitude pipeline was designed to withstand
8.5 Richter Scale (maximum). Range from 5.5 to 8.5, depending on area.
Three Faults crossed by pipeline
--- Denali
McGinnis Glacier
Donnelly Dome
The predicted limit of lateral movement(side-to-side) for above ground pipeline, general
2 ft.
Maximum values for pipeline movement at major faults
- Denali fault � 20 ft. lateral and 5 ft. vertical displacement
- McGinnis Glacier fault � 8 ft. lateral and 6 ft. vertical displacement
- Donnelly Dome fault � 3 ft. lateral and 10 ft. vertical displacement
- Minor potential fault locations � 2 ft. lateral and 2 ft. vertical