Electricity of the Heart

In the heart there is a small cluster of cells called the
Sinoatrial Node or SA node.
From this spot the current of electricity is propogated that
contracts the atria, or
the top chambers
of the heart and downward towards the next cluster of cells
called the
atrioventricular node or AV node. The AV node sends an
impulse down
a bundle of
nerves called the bundle of His. This contracts the lower
two chambers
of the heart
called the ventricles. This whole phenomenon happens at a
rate of roughly
60-100 times per minutes (pennard community first
responders). If you are to listen to
a heartbeat, you would normally hear a lub dub type sound.
This first sound is the
of the atrial chambers caused by the SA node firing. The
second sound, the dub, is caused
by the AV node firing closing the ventricles.
The nerves of the body, but esspecially in the heart, act a
wires that deliver electricity. When at rest
Every cell in the heart has negative charge. As we
increase the negative charge up to zero, this is called
depolarization. To do this there is an influx of positivly
charged Sodium and Calcium and Potassium ions into the cells.
This causes the cells to contract as the electrical stimulous
moved throughout the cells stimulating originally
from the SA node. In general a persons heartbeat generates
100 milivolts on every beat (discovery health).
to the fact that the heart works off of electricity, we are able
to restart, or reset a heart when the nodes dont work correctly
when both of them try to fire at the same time. The device
we use to do this is called and Automated External Defirilator,
or AED.
AEDs are essentially very small capacitors that are able to
deliver a very large, short term shock to reset the rythm of the

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