*His Work
Bohr has done work on a number of different topics in physics.
* He was given a Gold Medal in 1906, from the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences for analysis of Vibrations of water jets as a means of determining surface tension. [2]
* For his doctorate thesis he studed the electron theory of metals. [2]
* In 1913 he published three papers of fundamental importance on the theory of the atom, the first of which, on the hydrogen atom. [2]
*He is responsible for "The Bohr Atom", and although it has been supersede scientifically, it still presists today in the minds of many people as what atoms look like and a symbol of physics today. [2]
* Bohr is best known for his investigations of the structure of atoms, and for his work on radiation. This won him the 1922 Nobel Prize for physics. [1]
* Other contributions Bohr has given to physics are his work in quantum theory, his theoretical description of the periodic table of elements, theory of atomic nuclues being a compound structure, and his understanding of uranium fussion in terms of the isotope 235. [2]
* For more info on Bohrs work go to this LINK.